Wednesday 11 April 2012

'Finally moving' by Pretty Lights

Recently discovered this lovely mix by an American electronic music artist called 'Pretty Lights', I think this is beautiful and well worth listening to, even if only once. Such 'chill' music.

Go and visit the Pretty Lights Website (does tend to takes a while to load), you can also find a lot of his work on youtube.

Party Ben!

I first found out about 'Party Ben' a few years ago while listening to 'The Chris Moyles Breakfast Show', on BBC Radio 1, he played one of Party Ben's mixes featuring Beyonce's 'Single Ladies' vs 'The Andy Griffith Show Theme'. The result an even catchier version of 'Single Ladies', in my opinion. Such a fun mix.

I decided to look in on Party Ben's website again today and 'snagged' a few freebie downloads and I am so pleased I did. This guy is such a creative genius, love his mixes and how he comes up with the combo's I'll never know (although I know I come up with some pretty random stuff sometimes in what I get creative with too).

I feel as though I could ramble on for ages saying how fun his mixes are, but better still, go to his website and find out for yourself. Hope you enjoy his creativity as much as I do!!

Saturday 8 October 2011

Jonsi - "Go"

I discovered this album last year. Jonsi is amazing, I'm sat listening to the album for the first time in couple of months or so and it's still brilliant. His genius with instruments and his voice are haunting and beautiful. It's not your 'run of the mill' type music, almost a bit experimental.

If you have an open minded approach to music then its worth listening to, and you might have already heard some of the tracks on his album used in adverts and programs on the TV.

If you want to be transported away, give it a go, it's amazing.

Sunday 2 October 2011

A Tale of 2 Buddy's: Buddy The Musical - Milton Keynes

After seeing Buddy at Cambridge the other week, we decided to go again, this time to Milton Keynes, which firstly I have to say Milton Keynes theatre is wonderful, great place to go and see a show. This time we took our 3 children with us.

We were lucky enough to meet Steve Dorsett (who plays J.P. Richardson/Big Bopper) and Gary Trainor (who plays Hipockets Duncan) before the show, what lovely men they are too and they helped to 'direct' us to the box office, 'Thanks, Steve and Gary!'.

This time Glen Joseph was playing Buddy, in Cambridge we saw Roger Rowley, who played him brilliantly and is a real bundle of energy and enthusiasm. I have to admit, and ,maybe, I should feel slightly ashamed to admit this, but I actually didn't want Glen to be as good as Roger. *Gasp*. However Glen's performance was brilliant too. Both Roger and Glen have their own 'take' on playing Buddy and there are some 'artistic differences' from the two performers but, I have to admit, both of them are brilliant playing Buddy. If I was put on the spot and had to try and choose a favourite, I honestly don't think I can, to me it would be like being asked which of my 3 kids is my favourite.

The rest of the cast were amazing, again, even with the odd technical hiccup along the way, it never detracted from the performance. Steve Dorsett and Miguel Angel put on amazing performances again as the Big Bopper and Ritchie Valens. The ladies of the cast were wonderful as were the rest of the cast.

My three kids loved the show too, so it goes to show it IS a family show. On our way back to the car we, again, saw Steve and Gary, but also had the opporunity of meeting Glen, who is absolutely lovely in person, and then, lo and behold, out came Roger too, who also took the time for a chat and a photo. So we actually got to meet 'The two Buddy's'.

I just want to take a moment to mention all the cast members names, they deserve a mention as they do such a great job: Gary Trainor (Hipockets Duncan) , Steve Dorsett(Big Bopper), Kyle Riley (Norman Petty), Glen Joseph (Buddy on some performances), Roger Rowley (Buddy on some performances), Christopher Redmond (plays Joe B Maudlin - watch for the double bass acrobatics, he does a great job and is more fun to watch), Tom Millen(Jerry Allison - brilliant drummer), Alex Marshall (Radio Engineer and DJ at The Apollo), Katia Sartini (Vi Petty and Maria Elena's aunt - great actress, singer and musician), Felicity Chilver (Candy and Maria Elena - wish I looked as good as her in a satin 'slip' and dressing gown, great performer and gets to kiss both Buddy's! Lucky lady!), Melissa Keyes (Apollo Entertainer and Shirley - Brilliant singer, knows how to shake her thang and brilliant comic timing) Miguel Angel (Apollo entertainer and Ritchie Valens - fantastic voice and looks great in lycra, and can shake his thang too!) I hope I've spelt all your names correctly.

IF you haven't seen this show, yet, especially with this cast, I strongly urge you to go and see it. It's fun, it's emotional, educational and a joy to watch. These performers are a great team and, the ones we met before and after the show, are also really nice people in their 'civvies' too. The show only runs until December 3rd, so go check to see if they're coming near you, it's worth seeing. (Maybe I should be taken on in promo section, which incidently I'm not working for them, at all, just an enthusiastic theatre goer). Let Buddy Holly's legacy live on!

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Courtney Woolsey

I first came across Courtney on youtube a couple of years ago, looking up the song 'Lollipop', she had done a great video of it, all harmonised and quite a fun little video too. Here it is below:

Anyway, the other day I was looking around at Doo-wop music and Lollipop came up so I sat and found Courtney's version again, but I found she'd done loads more since I'd last looked on her youtube channel. She also has had a bit of an image change too, and she looks stunning. So, watch these video's below, I cannot believe how good she is, she is a brilliant musician and singer, she deserves every success ahead of her and she has apparently landed herself a record contract, well done Courtney!!!

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Tommy Emmanuel

I was sat here this evening flicking through the Cambridge Corn Exchange 'upcoming events' program we picked up the other week and came across Tommy Emmanuel, whom I've never heard of, curiosity got the better of me and I decided to look him up on youtube.

He is an Australian guitarist, so this is where youtube can come into its own, whenever a performer is involved I find it one of the best places to start. So I click on one of the video's, it starts playing.................and............I was TRANSFIXED. Oh my word can this bloke play a guitar!! He plays a guitar how I would wish to play the guitar. I can't play, I've tried a few times, but it doesn't suit me (I'm a craft loving person who likes sensation in the ends of my fingers). Anyway, watch these below, what an amazing musician. I love it when a musical artist makes it look effortless, that's when you know they've mastered their craft.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Buddy The Musical: The Buddy Holly Story

Place: Cambridge Corn Exchange
Date: 16th September 2011
Performance: 5.30pm

My review: I have to admit, I do have a wide range of music taste, and there are probably loads of shows out there in 'theatre-land' I'd love to see, but Buddy wasn't high on MY list. My husband got the tickets, a show he wanted to see and generally if there's music in it, I'll be fine. I, obviously, knew some of Buddy Holly's more famous songs (That'll be the day, Every day and Peggy Sue) and the fact that he'd been killed in a plane crash, many years ago, along with Richie Valens and 'The Big Bopper' (J P Richardson), what I didn't realise, until I saw this production, was his influence on the 'Rock 'n' Roll' industry.

When the curtain went up and the performance started firstly it was fun to see the 1950's USA branding on the set. To hear Buddy, played by Roger Rowley (and Glen Joseph on some performances), singing country style music, to start with, caught my attention. Suddenly I realised there must be loads I never knew about Buddy Holly, and I was right.

The cast were brilliantly put together and all complimented one another, all the crew did a great job. It's a relatively light hearted show, a few amusing scenes, as well as some passionate acting on how Buddy must have felt in being held back in what he believed in.

Steve Dorsett, The Big Bopper/J P Richardson, did a great performance along with Miguel Angel, Richie Valens, who had plenty of energy to play such a young enthusiastic musician too, and looked great in all that lycra. Melissa Keyes, who played one of the Apollo performers as well as one of the 'Snowbirds' showed great comedic timing and an excellent set of biceps (couldn't help but notice them and slightly jealous). Katia Sartini who played Vi Petty and Maria Elena's aunt was wonderful and her playing on the Celesta was beautiful. The last of the female cast was Felicity Chilver who played Maria Elena (Buddy Holly's widow) and Candy was brilliant and held a good solid performance. All three of the ladies were in the 'Snowbirds' and sang beautifully, again showing some character during their performance.

The whole cast were fantastic and I find it hard to not name everyone as I think I may have fallen in love with the lot of them. To go along to a performance not really knowing what you'll find is always intriguing, however to find at the end you're standing up dancing, clapping and singing along with the cast shows what a great job they did.

Buddy's death was dealt with in a very sensitive way, but as we should remember, don't mourn the loss of him, be grateful he graced us with his talents and bravery of taking on a difficult industry and leaving us with such a great legacy.

I fully encourage people, young and old (I may have been the youngest on the front row middle section) to go and see Buddy while you can. We came away with a few extra mementos and a new found appreciation for Buddy Holly, his work and legacy and the amazing show to help celebrate his life.

The Buddy cast have a great youtube channel too, although it makes you wonder if some of them have a little too much time on their hands.